Bishop Paul & Barbara Holt
The State Bishop for the Church of God of Prophecy in Tennessee is prayerfully accepting resumes for Lead Pastor at the Restoration Fellowship Church in Murfreesboro TN. Murfreesboro is a fast-growing city located in the center of the state; about 45 minutes from Nashville.
- Restoration Fellowship has a wonderful facility in an area with excellent harvest potential. Their membership base is faithful and stable. The church offers a pay package but does not provide a parsonage. They do offer one-time assistance with housing. This congregation is praying that God will provide the pastor He desires for them.
Interested parties should submit an extensive resume inclusive of, but not limited to, the following:
- personal and family background,
- ministry experience,
- Church of God of Prophecy licensure information,
- employment history,
- education and ministerial experience,
- present context of ministry and,
- a philosophy of pastoral ministry.
It would be helpful to include a reference letter from your current state/regional bishop. Resumes are being accepted until August 31, 2024, or until the position is filled. Resumes are to be submitted to the attention of State Bishop.